How to Stay Grounded While Traveling

This article was published in Life Lover’s Magazine. By: Alexis Mills

Travel is full of the unexpected. Whether it's unforgettable experiences or delayed flights, the up-and-down roller coaster is part of the package. Making it ever so important to have grounding practices to level us out. These tips will help you no matter where you are in the world and how you feel about the place you visit!

Now, what is grounding? It is any practice that brings you back to your truest self, that connects you to your body and into the moment. 

Whether traveling solo, consistently on the road, or going for a quick getaway - these tips will keep you grounded no matter where you are.

When you are somewhere new, your senses can go into overdrive. But, your senses also bring travel to life, with the taste of new cuisines and the sights that amaze you. However, it could also be adjusting to a particular musk in a hotel or to new foods that don't sit well.

With being on the road more, I wondered how I could bring myself more comfort and a feeling of home. Especially when I was adjusting to sensory overload. What was I missing while traveling that I got when in the comfort of my home? 

To my surprise, the answers were simple and incorporated all my senses. It's listening to music with a candle flickering, cuddling up with a book and blanket while drinking a hot herbal tea.

And what’s better, I could bring along most of these with me! A KeepCup made of glass so I can reheat coffee and tea, a small loose-leaf tea holder, and tea leaves to make anywhere. A lightweight speaker (JBL Go2) that fits in the palm of my hand to go anywhere. And lavender room sprays to soothe any place I am staying and sandalwood and cedar travel candles to invigorate spaces. And not forgetting a Kindle, when I can't lug around all of my reading material with me. These together became my grounding ritual of making me feel at home wherever I am.

What comforts and grounds you, that you can easily travel with? What are the scents, tastes, touches, sights, and sounds that make you feel at home within yourself?

Tap Into Your Senses

Walk with Nature

Whether it’s a hike or a park stroll, find somewhere you can connect to nature in your new surroundings. The mix of fresh air and natural beauty will connect you deeper to where you are. Grounding yourself in nature as soon as you get to a place will help you reset your inner clock. Whether it’s grass, sand, dirt, rocks, streams, oceans, or lakes, walk barefoot or swim for an immersive grounding experience.  Direct contact will also bring you to the same circadian cycle faster. 

Get Into Your Body

Some simple stretching, movement, and deep breaths will help ground into your body and surroundings. You can find a video to follow along to or play relaxing music while you stretch. 

But here are some specific, simple movements to ground into your body. 

  1. Gently tap the outer edges of your body. Your simple touch helps the body activate a feeling of embodied security in the space you are in.

  2. Brush away emotions and tensions from your body with your hands. Put pressure on your body with your hand, drag it along, and brush it off as if you are trying to get the dirt off you. This is especially handy to let go of a stressful or uneasy situation or interaction.

  3. Shake your body or rock it back and forth. The shaking or rocking helps regulate your nervous system and release nervous energy.

  4. Clench and Release. The tensing and releasing of muscles bring more sensation to feel connected to your body. 

But, most of all, listen to your body. Is there a movement that would feel best? 

Find Time for Rest

When traveling, it’s normal to want to make the most of your time. We want to soak in as much as we can; see and experience as much as possible! But, finding time to rest, recuperate, and reflect while traveling is just as important. This helps you stay connected to yourself to enjoy each memory you are making. Prioritizing quiet time will keep you grounded for all the adventures ahead. Whether it’s the quiet time in transit, an afternoon break of mindfulness, or a nightly ritual.

What helps ground you when you are traveling? Is there a ritual that’s your go to? Or did you learn something new you are going to incorporate? Let us know what resonated and if you try any of them yourself. Would love to hear and connect with your experience of grounding while traveling all around the world.  


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